Monday, February 22, 2016

Finding Your Voice

Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.

Today, our puppy Leia found her voice. This was a paramount experience, as a mere two weeks ago, she sat and shook or ran away from everything. Literally. 

She stood tall as Biscuit, the neighbor dog, did her thing... yapping, yapping, yapping... in that stereotypical high-pitched bark of little dogs trying to control the world. Suddenly, Leia barked. I am not sure who was more surprised, Leia or Biscuit. She stood her ground and continued to bark. Biscuit became completely quiet. The stare down was on. That was all it took. 

Leia stood even taller and leaned forward with her bark, and off ran a whimpering Biscuit to his back door...  crying, crying, crying... for someone to let him in. 

I wish you could have seen Leia. Pretty sure she grew a whole inch in that exchange. Her chest popped out and she nonchalantly walked around claiming the back yard as her peaceful domain. 

We all deal with Biscuits in life. Things that yap at us, barking in our ears incessantly at times. I hope we can all gain a little courage from little Leia Grace today. 

Living in sync doesn't mean our voice doesn't shake or knees knock; it simply means we speak up anyway. We refuse to tolerate the things that steal our peace and joy and reclaim our home and lives. 

Here's to living your best life and speaking the truth even if your voice shakes. 

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