Monday, April 4, 2016


No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. - Hal Borland

It's April and spring is bursting out all around us. The air is filled with the melodies of the birds. The grass has turned green again as the sky sheds winter grays for the bluest of blues. It's boisterous and windy. Rainy and wet. And then suddenly, gentle breezes return and the sun becomes so warm. Jackets are shed and shorts donned as the fragrant smells of blooming flowers and turned over dirt fills our senses. 


It is now we find out what is really happening under the surface of the earth. What plants and trees are coming back healthy and strong and which are not. As always, the weeds are quickly showing their resilience as well and the yard work begins

It's such a picture of our own lives.

We go through winter seasons where our outer energies lessen and the need to replenish inwardly quiets our schedule. We can't keep up with everyone and everything and don't even want to. It's a gentle wooing to settle ourselves and rest. It's winter and it's a gift.

And then spring arrives. Life begins to burst out again. We say 'yes' and begin to give ourselves to others and activities in fruitful ways. We experience a melody in our heart, a fresh energy, and the warmth of giving. 


It is now we find out what has been really happening under the surface in our lives. What is the healthy and strong work that was accomplished on the inside. And out pops a few weedy habits and attitudes that stubbornly refuse to give up. 

It's life. It's the beauty and the work. The fragrance of the flowers and the dirt. It all blends together to make our ordinary lives something meaningful. 

Living your best life isn't only the blooms, melodies, and bright sunshine moments. It's also the wind, rain, and pulling out the weed moments. Living in sync enables you to enjoy it all and realize this is creation in it's whole. 


May you embrace and enjoy life fully today and every day.

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