Monday, April 25, 2016

Every Chapter Whispers His Love

Last week, I was given the opportunity to share my life story. It's always an interesting task to determine what is relevant and what is not and how to capture over 43 years of living into 30 minutes. I prepared through a simple prayer - Lord, bring out what you want said and highlighted.

As I walked down memory lane, I found myself ending with more questions about my life than answers. A few of which were...
  • What made this moment significant? 
  • Where was God? 
  • What did I learn? 
  • Why is this part important to share with others?
A few days later, I heard someone say, "A true friend is someone who loves you because of who you are and not in spite of who you are." 

Something like fireworks went off inside of me. Within a flash, I was back within the early days of my story remembering how my mom was pregnant with me when she left my dad. It hit me afresh how untimely my conception and birth was for this very rocky marriage. 

From there, I knew deep down, that somehow despite everything I knew about God's love for me... I didn't really fully understand it yet. Subconsciously, I had viewed my beginning years of life from a broken sinful place. It was like my life with God began 'at the cross' - where "in spite of" who I was - He poured out his love into my life. 

In this moment, a few verses in Psalm 139 came streaming into my mind... 

For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath. I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul.

It was the Lord revealing to me my true beginning as His handiwork. His love is poured out in my life BECAUSE I'm his. Personally knitted, hand-crafted, signed, sealed and delivered into this world and my birth family. I was perfectly equipped and fashioned for the place and moment of my entry into life and His love has been with me and carried me every day since. 

Living your best life is knowing deep down how deeply he loves you. From your hand-knit in the womb beginning, to every breath of air that has filled your lungs, until the end of your earthly life, when you find yourself with face to face with him. 

Every chapter of the story whispers His love. May you carry this knowledge deep within your soul.

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