Monday, April 18, 2016

Heaven's Gifts

There are those moments in life that catch your breath, delight your heart, and carry your soul. More often than not, they are not anticipated, much less a plan we came up with. Quite possibly that is what makes them so wonderful. Surprises are heaven's gifts. 

I had two amazing surprises today. 

First, for those of you following me - you know we recently got a puppy. And with a puppy, comes many things... one being the need for a backyard fence. The short version of the story  is to make this fence possible was going to take the removal of trees. That's a big undertaking. 

My friend Tom has generously been helping with the chain saw action. In fact, he spent over five hours cutting yesterday. That left me with an enormous amount of wood to move. Just so happens this week we are blessed to have 13 young adults from Heroic Leadership Institute (Vineyard leadership program) here in town. They came over and in 30 minutes they had it all moved to the front for pick up! 

Heaven's gift came with muscle, energy, and big smiles.

Secondly, with this being my first year in my home I am still discovering things around here. Wouldn't you know, as we hauled the wood through the yard, what caught my eye but the beginnings of purple tulips!

Heaven's gift came with spring life, beauty, and vibrant color. 

Living our best lives is delighting in the surprises that come our way. Keep your eyes and heart open to the love your Papa showers on you.  

Every good gift bestowed, every perfect gift received comes to us from above, courtesy of the Father of lights. He is consistent. He won't change His mind or play tricks in the shadows. We have a special role in His plan. He calls us to life by His message of truth so that we will show the rest of His creatures His goodness and love. James 1:17-18

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