Monday, July 25, 2016

Free to Wander

Adventure must start with running away from home. - William Bolitho

Last week, I was embracing the warmth of a grandmother's home filled with treasures of love. Today, my heart is drawn to explore new vistas with a longing for adventure and play. 

I don't think that's too unusual or surprising. For when we are most settled within, we are most free to wander. The two weave together as beautifully as the melody and harmony synchronize in a piece of music. 

We need the peace of belonging. The rest of a home. In the same, we need the joy of traveling. The energy of finding new places. If we only have rest, it can slip into slumber. If we only have travels, it can slip into running.

Living in sync is realizing the natural rhythms of resting and adventuring. One without the other leaves us lacking the fullness of life. Where is your inclination? What is your heart most longing for today? 

May you find the riches of both as you live your best life.  


1 comment:

  1. I needed this tonight. Thanks Becky.....feeling a bit better about our life that seems to go back and forth with both these things. You are a great coach because of the way you live!
