Monday, August 1, 2016

One Thing a Thousand Ways

He will teach us one thing, perhaps in a thousand ways: "I am forming Christ in you." Dr. J. Robert Clinton

As I read this sentence, it causes me to catch my breath. I hardly can contain the emotion that wells up inside of me in this beautifully intimate and powerful statement.

I think he is right. 

It's amazing to hit 'play' on the movie in my mind and be brought back to all the lessons he has taught me over the years. All the ways he has been by my side: calling my name, forgiving my shortcomings, healing my pains, redeeming my losses, choosing me to be his very own dwelling place. Christ in me. One thing in a thousand ways. 

In return I offer to him, one thing is thousand ways. Me.

Living our best lives is often not what we think it is. We get sidelined and distracted by so much stuff. May we be brought back to this simple truth today and everyday... I'm my beloved's and he is mine.


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