Monday, October 31, 2016

Care, Don't Carry.

It’s been said life comes in bunches. If one appliance breaks down, so will another. If you have a big project to complete at work, you’re bound to receive a call from the school nurse because your child is sick. When one friend calls with a health crisis, before you know it another person is talking to you about their recent diagnosis. Next thing you know, you snap at someone for drinking the last of the milk in the frig or at the dog for running full steam through the house with the squeaky toy.

Yep, your plate is full.

Sometimes it’s not even the major stuff. It’s a build up of little annoyances that have a way of pushing us to our tipping point. A driver cuts us off from our exit lane, the neighbor refuses to cut their grass, and then we stub our toe on the stack of boxes in the garage. We slam the door a little harder than we mean to or cut short a conversation for no apparent reason other than we just have reached our limit.

When your plate is full… care, don’t carry.

What’s that mean?

  • Care for yourself, don’t carry on like everything is okay when it’s not. 
  • Care for what you can, don’t carry guilt because of what is left undone.
  • Care for people with love, don’t carry responsibility that is not yours.
  • Care for burdens, don’t carry the weight.
Living your best life is not nice, neat, fit and trim. It’s messy, bunched up and a mystery at times. At these times, we do well to keep our eyes on the one who cares AND carries us.

Since God cares for you, let him carry all your burdens and worries. I Peter 5:7

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