Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Real Thing

Last weekend was my daughter Natalie’s birthday… her “Sweet 16” as my little romantic put it. In the months and weeks leading up to it, she kept referring to this monumental birthday event. There were talks about trips and such… like way more exotic than I was going to be able to pull off. 

With the passing of time and further conversations I got her off the trip idea. However, all sorts of pressure was slowly mounting inside me. This girl has a big desire for a significant memory and I have no idea how I’m going to make that happen.

The hardest part of it all was balancing what might give a temporary thrill, but then really be nothing substantial to it. I didn’t want to provide a “cotton candy” experience that gave a rush like a sugar high only to leave her feeling empty on the inside after it was all over. Ultimately, I believe what she was craving was significance not sparkle and glam. And that’s a unique gem to find in this world we live in that hypes up consumerism and appearances.

I prayed about it. What could it be? What was going to satisfy that innermost desire?

On a run one day, I got it. A guitar. This was something we have talked about over the years and something she’s always wanted to play, following in the footsteps of her dad.

This was the gift that would remind her of who she is and who she is called to become in the world. Someone full of life and love and song. A gift for her to enjoy and one she can give to others. A lasting gift.

The Alvarez was a huge surprise. Beyond the thrill of nailing a great gift and surprise, it was such a deeply satisfying moment for me as a parent. I was able to push through all the worldly definitions of entertainment, frills and thrills, and tap into the real thing. And lead my daughter there.

Living our best lives takes energy, perseverance and getting to our core desires. It’s realizing how satisfying it is to know our significance and purpose and calling it out over and over again.

With that said, we did celebrate with unicorns and rainbows too. And it made it all the more fun, because we put first things first.

“. . . You can’t get second things by putting them first. You get second things only by putting first things first.” —C.S. Lewis

May you find in yourself your deepest places loved and growing. And may it be the gift you give to the people around you. It’s worth it. Then, celebrate it. Be a unicorn or whatever is fun for you. Go live your best life.

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