Monday, December 19, 2016

They're Coming!

With the big warm up to 23 degrees today, I got out for a run with Leia. I came around the corner to a familiar sight this time of year, as two UPS people darted out of a truck, parting ways to make their deliveries simultaneously. What was a bit unusual about the scene was the Penske truck they were jumping in and out of. I almost stopped to ask why; then figured whatever the reason, the delivery justified the means.

They don’t stop. They double team. They get whatever truck is needed. Those Christmas gifts are promised to arrive and they will make sure that happens.

It reminded me of this verse in scripture…

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 5:16

God our Father’s gifts are coming down to us. He is sending good and perfect gifts. He never changes. Whatever is needed to get them to us, we can rest assured - they’re coming!

Many of us are waiting and asking.

I hope the image of the Penske truck encourages you today. Your good gifts are coming. Surely they will chase you down and be delivered. They may not come in the way you expect; don't give up hope.

Living your best life is not only the arrival of gifts - it’s the anticipation… it’s the relationship… it’s the reassurance that the one who created all the heavenly lights is looking out for us. 

May your life be full of all the good gifts from your Father. And the best one of all, Jesus. Merry Christmas!


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