Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Let Life Speak

A few days ago in a class, I had the opportunity to spend about 20 minutes watching a live eagle cam. While I often say I wish for quiet and rest, this exercise made me wonder if I really do. It’s hard to sit still like that and quiet my running mind and body to simply observe!

The nest had an adult eagle (not sure if it was momma or dad), a recently hatched eaglet and one egg. Other than the adult eagle clearly keeping watch through turning the head here and there and moving occasionally to a new spot in the nest, there wasn’t a lot of action going on.

It was a time to let life speak to me.

Life is beautiful.
Life is boring.
All things take time.
What is destined to happen will happen.

Living our best lives is making time to still ourselves and listen to what life speaks. And then rising up and carrying this knowledge into our ordinary lives. Not every moment is a soaring through the sky moment and that’s okay. Let’s live our best each moment we’re given. 

Today as I hopped on, life speaks again as I watch that little eaglet up and moving now.

How quickly things can change. 

Click here to check out the live video. You might be surprised by what life speaks to you.


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