Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A New Chapter

Great things have small beginnings. - Francis Drake

There’s something special about a blank page in front of you and a pen in hand. Releasing the thoughts and ideas within and etching the words or drawings into being. They take shape in the process of creating and we end up with something more than the seedlings we began with.

I know this is why I love writing. Maybe it’s why I love the New Year so much, too.

We are beginning a New Year and the page is blank. What is yet to come, none of us fully know. What we can do, is be intentional about taking our ideas and dreams and begin to look for where they can be written into our life. Take the seedling and make a next step: a phone call, an appointment, a conversation, or whatever. Never underestimate the potential within these small beginnings. Beginning is the hardest stage. Once you get moving, the next part takes shape and then the next.

As you begin to actively live into life you find a greater freedom and happiness. No longer sitting on the sidelines and watching life happen, you become an active participant.

Living our best lives is being engaged in the creative process. What do you most desire to see this year? What is one area you want to be intentional? What is the first small step in getting there?

Write it down. Tell a friend. Here’s to authoring a new chapter in our lives this year.

Happy 2017!

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