Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Misconception

This fall and winter I have been on a spiritual journey through the Ignatian Exercises. The meditation and focus for the last couple of days was when Jesus was on the cross. As the scene plays out, there are three different people groups: the religious leaders, the soldiers and one of the criminals being crucified next to him, all telling Jesus the same message... "Save yourself!"  

As I identified with the crowd of people who were standing and watching, I heard those words being yelled out at him. I thought of how they were demanding power and proving of His authority as Son of God and here he was demonstrating His love as the Son of God. Of course, as God he could have saved himself. But that wasn't the point. The whole reason He came to earth was to save us. 

In their cry for power, they missed love. 

Just a few days prior of the crucifixion, as Jesus recognized his time and all that the Father had given to Him, he took off his robe, picked up the towel and washed the feet of his disciples. Even those of his friend who would turn betrayer. He came to show us love. 

It makes me think of all the stuff that captures my attention. Of all the injustices I want to prove wrong and correct in the world. Of all that happens that I wish I could speak into a little louder or have the power to change. And these pictures of Jesus now give me context for the greatest question of all, "How will I love?"

Living our best lives is loving even when it is misinterpreted by all the people around us. It's laying down our own lives and rights and serving others. 

Jesus, show love through us.

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