Monday, February 2, 2015

From the Farm Kitchen

A watched pot never boils.

Growing up on a farm in a family of 11, there was a lot of cooking to be done. In fact, as I look back at my childhood most of my memories of my mom are in the kitchen. 

Daughter of German immigrants, she made everything 'from scratch'... homemade bread, noodles, pies, you name it - we grew our main ingredients and very little of our food came from the store in a box. 

From the play kitchen set to the real kitchen, I donned my apron and learned to cook with mom. There were simple directives to follow and few instructions provided, you just did what she said. I mean, let's get real - she had a feast to get on the table 2-3 times a day. Who has time to look up the newest recipes on Pinterest or explain what you're doing? Learning was caught. 

As I grew, more responsibility was given to me. I remember getting anxious a time or two and mom telling me, "a watched pot never boils".

Sometimes life gets a little like the farm kitchen. There's a lot to be done and coordinated to reach completed goals. And you know what? That same saying holds true in those situations, too. 

Over-focusing on something and getting anxious about it, whatever "it" is, will not make it happen any more quickly. In the right conditions and at the right time, it will come. Be patient and wait for it. 

When that pot is on the burner and it is turned on high, the water will boil. No doubt. With the same assurance, I can remind you that...

  • with lots of practice & in the right time, your children will learn how to sleep through the night, tie their shoes, pass a math test, drive a car, and all they need to develop and grow.
  • your hard work & commitment to do the right thing will reward you in the long-term, even if you can't see it right now.
  • most things worthwhile in life come from a process and with great patience- finishing a degree, buying a home, having children, establishing a career or business,  making a difference in the world, and leaving a legacy.
Hang in there. A watched pot may never boil... however, be assured, it will boil. 

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