Monday, June 1, 2015

Here We Go

Our home is officially taken over by boxes. I began to miss some things within hours of putting them in the box. Moving is exciting and a bit disconcerting, too. 

The great part is there is no turning back. The closing is scheduled for today. All t's are crossed and i's are dotted and the key will be passed to the new owners. As challenging as it is to sort and pack day after day and plan for the work in the home we purchased; we've made most the major decisions and now it's a relief to just do it. 

There are still some unknowns, like the closing on the house I am purchasing. What will we discover as we move into the new home? Where will my new jogging route take me? Where will we buy our groceries? How soon will it actually feel like home to us? Here we go. 

As challenging as moving is, it does have definite external factors that keep it progressing and moving forward. It doesn't depend on my mood or motivation. I can't talk myself out of it. I think there is a life lesson here. 

To progress and live your best life, it will take more than your own internal motivation. Not discounting that - because this whole moving journey would never have started or moved forward without it. BUT, once you go so far - it's the external factors that keep things going and bring you to a place of no return. 

If you are truly committed to something, you will find yourself taking action. One step after another... a phone call, a conversation, an appointment, a purchase, etc. With continued decisions you will find you are building into your life the external structure that will get you where you dream of being. And soon you will be thinking... here we go. And there will be no turning back as you walk into the future you dreamt of living. 

Living in sync is a series of choices that open up the possibilities you carry in your heart and mind. It is a daily choice and there's no better time than each and every morning to make it. What's your next step? Live your best life and don't settle for anything else. 

You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment. Psalm 16:11 

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