Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Woo hoo!

Those who walk the fields to sow, casting their seed in tears, will one day tread those same long rows, amazed by what's appeared. Those who weep as they walk and plant with sighs will return singing with joys when they bring the harvest home. Psalm 126:5-6

I was blessed to attend the adoption ceremony of a little girl last Monday morning. As her new mom gave testimony on the witness stand, she was asked how she felt about being this little one's mom. Overcome with emotion and the lack of words for such a moment, her "Woo hoo!" said it all. Full faced smiles burst out across the stuffy court room from the judge, attorney, and all of us watching on with tear-filled eyes.

It was a crowning moment following many tearful seeds sown in the fields as this family walked many long and ordinary days treading the rows, planting and sighing their prayers. They hit every road block, detour, and even a dead end or two along the way. It was a difficult, sacrificial season. They gave when there was no promise of a return. They planted when the harvest was unsure.

And here they stand today, singing with joy as they bring their little girl home.

Living in sync with our best lives means believing in what our eyes can't see and trusting in the One who does see. It is courageously living with all the fears and doubts and not letting them shut us down. It is the ability to feel the disappointments and heartache, and at the same time be comforted and strengthened for each new day. It is a daily walk. A daily grace.

Never give up on your dreams. For those who sow in tears surely will reap with joy.

Live your best life today. Woo hoo!

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