Monday, September 26, 2016

Keep Going

Today is a beautiful September day in Iowa. One where the wind rustles its song through the tree branches and makes the leaves dance on the sidewalk. As I took Leia for a run, I could certainly tell the streets where it blew behind me and the corners I would turn and hit the headwind. “Keep going”, I told myself.

The other thing you have to understand about running with Leia is the way she starts out. She acts exactly how I feel at the beginning of a run… like there’s concrete tied on the ankles and she can barely get the umph to go. So, I’m basically dragging this 50+ pound dog up hills and into the wind for the first 10-15 minutes. “Keep going”, I told myself.

Towards the middle of the run when we are both hitting a stride together, wouldn’t you know an ambulance and fire truck would be heading down the street our direction. Now it’s like fire under her little paws and this 50+ pound dog is d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g me down the sidewalk sprinting. It was hilarious. “Keep going,” I told myself.

There are chapters of life that are similar. And days just like this. One minute you have a nice tailwind and things feel smooth, and the next minute you hit a massive headwind and it’s really hard. One week everything is falling into stride and the next week you are being dragged here and there by 1000 pound problems.

A few tips to keep going…

  • Keep perspective. It won’t stay this hard forever. There will come another tail wind, just you wait and see.
  • Don’t stop. Rest, yes. But don’t put the brakes on or you won’t get through it.
  • Breathe. Often we are focusing so hard on conquering that we neglect the gift of oxygen to our system.
  • Smile. It’s amazing the energy you can tap into with this simple action.
Whether the winds are for you or against you today, keep going. Living your best life is cooperating with it and keeping perspective. Lift your chin and breathe deep. Smile. Enjoy your run and this grand world.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

He holds my hand.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

There are days and seasons where we soar high, like wings on eagles. Life is good; our strength is full. There are times we run and keep running. We cover great distances, yet do not tire. Then there are those times when we walk. One foot in front of the other. No dynamo of energy surging through us as we feel when we soar or run. More of a strength that holds us steady and keeps us from passing out.

I love to soar. Freely lifted on the wind currents. It is there I have a greater perspective that helps me feel like a victor in the challenges that arise. I don't stumble or trip, I'm above it.

Running is also something I really enjoy. Particularly, when I don't get tired. When I am in the zone, I feel alive and ready for whatever is around the bend. I don't get distracted or worried, the steady breathing and oxygen flowing through my lungs gives me a confidence that it will all work out.

Walking in this context sounds hard; as fainting is a concern. It's a place in life where walking is required due to the uneven terrain, obstacles, or inability to see very far ahead. It's here where strength is a whole different gift. Rather than enabling us to cover great distance or rise above all the challenges, strength is a keeping power and prevents us from 'fainting' amidst the pressure.

Three distinct experiences. All are strength.

As I grow older, I'm becoming more okay with the walking seasons. I've found I am more engaged with people, intentional with my time, and even take better care of myself. I grow in empathy and compassion towards others and the challenges they are navigating. I've also learned there's a special gift to these times...

Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. Psalm 37:24

He holds my hand.

It's when life is slowed down and hard that I sense how near the Lord really is. How everything is going to work out... not because I can see it or have it figured out... but because I can feel his hand holding mine. It's the hardest, yet best place to live.

Here's to living in sync with your best life, strength in all conditions.  

Soar above. Run the distance. Hold his hand. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Art of Receiving

Last week I had a piano student share with me about how it was her mom’s birthday. She excitedly told me about the new appliance her dad had surprised her mom with. At this point, she had me.

“Was she happy with that gift?” I asked.

The student scratched her head a little as I laughed and we moved on to the next song. Evidently too young to understand the difficult terrain of gift giving that so many husbands learn the hard way. Possibly this wife was thrilled; recognizing the gift of making life around the home a little more convenient. I hope so anyway. 

Our perspective has everything to do with how we respond to what’s given to us. I’ve heard it said that a gracious ‘thank you’ reveals more about the character of the receiver than how amazing the gift or giver is. So often we look at the art of giving as the focal point, when the art of receiving plays just as strong a role in our lives.

Living our best lives is cultivating gratefulness and being able to see how much of what we have truly is a gift. Unearned, undeserved, simple gracelets showered in our lives. How well are we with the art of receiving?

Daily taking the time to give thanks can bring great peace and joy. Here’s my start, how about you do it, too?

I am thankful for…

  • hope
  • laughter
  • church bells ringing
  • hot cup of coffee
  • family
  • amazing grace
  • walking the dog
  • full moon
  • the cross
  • new life
  • hot shower
  • music
  • kayaking
  • talks with friends
May the melody of thanksgiving give you a new song today and every day.

Monday, September 5, 2016

After the Rain

 After the rain there’s a rainbow. After a storm there’s calm. After the night there’s a morning, and after an end there’s a new beginning.

I worked in the nursery with the little ones at church on Sunday. It was a precious time, despite the tears and the missing of moms. Whether it was the bottle, Cheerios, a cuddle in arms that turned into a nap, or being distracted by the toys; in time and before we knew it, the cries were comforted. Mom comes back and all was well.

There are times I come to my end, too. Long day, challenging situations. I can get pretty tired and weepy when stretched beyond my capacity.

Living our best lives is holding steady through the rain and being at peace through the storms. It is remembering that God is faithful.
One step at a time, one day at a time. He is here and all will be well.