Monday, September 5, 2016

After the Rain

 After the rain there’s a rainbow. After a storm there’s calm. After the night there’s a morning, and after an end there’s a new beginning.

I worked in the nursery with the little ones at church on Sunday. It was a precious time, despite the tears and the missing of moms. Whether it was the bottle, Cheerios, a cuddle in arms that turned into a nap, or being distracted by the toys; in time and before we knew it, the cries were comforted. Mom comes back and all was well.

There are times I come to my end, too. Long day, challenging situations. I can get pretty tired and weepy when stretched beyond my capacity.

Living our best lives is holding steady through the rain and being at peace through the storms. It is remembering that God is faithful.
One step at a time, one day at a time. He is here and all will be well.

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