Monday, October 10, 2016

Remembering and Treasuring

"So I felt, and I loved, and I sang." Natascha Georgeff 

This week's blog comes from a dear friend of mine. She shared this post via Facebook last week and I found it to be inspiring on so many levels. 

To appreciate it fully, it's important for you to understand that she has left her job, family, and home - moving across the country to support her daughter in receiving several weeks of treatment for Lyme disease. 

Let the words of Natascha Georgeff encourage you to find the best of life in the hardest chapters you walk through. 

Afternoon coffee and cake; this cultural ritual runs deep. I love it. Taking time to reflect on the day, unpacking little treasures, otherwise unnoticed and thus lost. 

One of such treasures involved the youngest daughter of an Amish mother and patient at the Clinic. This little 5 year old girl brought a beautifully hand illustrated song book over to me, climbed on my lap and began singing nursery rhymes and bible songs. She kept turning the pages and filled the room with her sweet voice when I suddenly realized that I was reading a vaguely familiar German tune, written in Pennsylvania Dutch yet familiar enough for me to break out in song, her little voice joining in. So here we were, strangers, yet connected by tradition and memories stored in the recesses of my soul - stirring emotions I didn't even know were there to feel. 

So I felt, and I loved, and I sang. And I realize that coffee and cake made me see this encounter for what it truly is: a gift of remembering. And treasuring. And I would have missed it if I had not taken time to reflect on my day. 

Living your best life is being present in the moment. Maybe we all would be served a little better if we stopped to connect with strangers. And if we stopped for afternoon coffee and cake. However you find to do it, make sure to stop and enjoy your life each and every day. 

To learn more and to support Ilana's Medical Mountain, click here. May your life spill over in generosity to this family in need of miracles.

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