Monday, October 17, 2016

Ten Favorites

Enjoy the little things in life for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things. Kurt Vonnegut

Birthdays have a way of bringing out the best in life. From the 7 am happy birthday serenade to the handwritten happy birthday post-it note from a seven year old to all the various calls, messages, gifts, and hugs that came to me today... I have been loved well on my birthday.  

In the spirit of celebrating, I am posting ten favorite moments in the first ten months of 2016. 

January: Always a special moment when your child lights up the stage.

February: When a sleepover turns into a puppy adoption.


 March: Watching father and son discover a beaver dam. 

April: Backyard transformation: trees down, fence up, and garden planted.

May: The inaugural Light a Candle Award was a very special moment.


June: Walking the beaches, realizing how deep, long, wide, high and true God's love is.

July: Investing purpose and leadership in 63 young people's lives at Project Timothy.

August: Thankful for family visits and spontaneous days to adventure in our city

September: Living compassionate, generous lives... loving as we've been loved.

October: Playing in this wonderful world we've been given. 

Your turn. What are you celebrating this year? Living your best life is stopping to celebrate often!


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